
Hi guys, This is the bit that I struggle with as we generally are not good at selling ourselves. but meet up with me and you will see for yourself. I've nothing to hide, I'm flexable, good team player, honest, reliable, oh sorry i'm not aplying for a job am I ?, I'm very loving towards my man, tactile, very outgoing, love sailing, cycling,and sking, working on my allotment. Love dancing, meeting new people. Gosh thats enough.
I'm blond, slim, and educated. I enjoy good conversation with both sexes. I'm happy at 6am, but sorry I've had it by 11pm unless you keep me entertained.
So why not start now and say hi, oh and a little more than just hi, if you want my attention.

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Southampton
City/Town: Southampton
Age: 58
Martial Status: Divorced
Body Type: Slim
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: No
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: No

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