
Ok, a little about myself. So yeah.Im Sandra. Coolest Mom on the Block. Well Farm...But that isnt as Rock n Roll is it? I love all kinds of mussaak. None of this Classical crapola tho. Bands such as; Greenday,Kasabian "shoot da runner shoot shoot da runner!" Reel big fish. Um...Anything that gets my footsie tappin! Luv going to gigs when I can. Do a bit of swimming and horse riding......
I'm open minded about men, but they must have a great sense of humour. Tall & young at heart.....

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Lincolnshire
City/Town: Lincoln
Age: 56
Martial Status: Separated
Body Type: About average
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: No
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: No

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