
My philosophy in life is that this is not a reheasal. If you fancy doing something, try it, as long as it's not harming anyone else.
A potted personality (to save further confusion)- hippy, bohemian, eccentric, musician, artist, dancer, healer, spiritual, pacifist, vegetarian.I would like a partner to have very similar interests and philosophies .I'm not interested in rugby or football at all.
Many hobbies - singing and playing music, interested in all sorts of music, belly dancing,circus skills,alternative therapies, yoga, dancing with Native Americans at Pow wows, travelling to foreign climes and exploring this country ( one of my favourite places is Glastonbury Village, where I feel totally at home)I gave up my business about 12 years ago, shortly after my partner of 18 years died, to look after our son (now 18) who has Autism. My ambition is to give him as much experience of life as possible.Through this approach, he has developed into an extremely laid back,lovely young man. We have all sorts of adventures together. He will be going to college in 2 years time, so I plan to train to be a Nutritionist and also study for a BA in Autism so that I can advise other families with autistic children. I currently do a lot of voluntary work in the realms of disability. My dream (Euro Millions permitting! Lol!) would be to set up a large residential centre for Autistic children and adults.
My mantra is 'The best therapy is Fun'!

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: Wales
County: Cardiff
City/Town: Cardiff
Age: 62
Martial Status: Widow/Widower
Body Type: About average
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: Yes

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