
I want to live my life to the fullest until the last second. I am an optimist by nature.

I like to keep fit and healthy, it keeps me positive and puts a smile on my face.
I am a caring, loving person with a great sense of humour. I am romantic, feminine and dreamy.
Yet, I am also self confident and in control: I possess sufficient self-understanding to recognize my own strengths and weaknesses, which provides me with a great deal of relativism. Moreover, I dare to show my vulnerable side without losing my inner power.

I would describe myself as someone who is creative, sensitive, honest, affectionate, kind, considerate, outgoing,
intelligent, ambitious, generous, sexy, passionate and adventurous. I love to laugh and have a good time doing a wide range of activities. I am a spontaneous, down-to-earth, and very open- and mature minded person who likes to try and do new things.

I live my life with a glass half full.

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Cambridgeshire
City/Town: Cambridge
Age: 54
Martial Status: Widow/Widower
Body Type: Slim
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: Yes

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