
Hi there my name is mandy. I have been divorced for a while and have 2 grown up children and 2 grandkids and 1 on the way. I am i active 48 year old and have just started to learn how to snowboard. I have also tired scuba diving but on my first open water dive after my training it all wrong and i got the bends and now cant dive again lol. I love the water and hope to try watersking. Iam not a girliy girl but happy with my self. I ride a 650 bandit everyday and love it, i do have a car but will always take the bike if i can. Love to stay in to but enjoy going out to the pictures and meals out. I have a gsoh and love life and mostly find the best in every thing i do.

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Bristol
City/Town: Bristol
Age: 51
Martial Status: Divorced
Body Type: Have some extra pounds
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: Yes

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